
Recent statistics show 1 in 11 people in Springfield is a victim of property crime; in all Missouri, the rate is 1 in 30.

by Mary Moloney, KSPR News
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — How safe is your neighborhood? Maybe not as safe as you think. Recent statistics compiled using Springfield police data show one in 11 people in Springfield will become a victim of property crime. That’s compared to one in 30 in Missouri.
One neighborhood near Grant Avenue at Nichols Street has become a hotspot for recent crime. Monday, officers stopped here for a report of a stolen car.  In the past two weeks, police have taken at least five reports for home break-ins and thefts.  In the last year, police have also come out for more crimes that are violent.

Some in the neighborhood said they aren’t worried about the black and white cars in their neighborhood.
“Police presence is good and they have to do their job, however, they usually aren’t here for no reason. They are here for a reason, someone has done something they shouldn’t,” said Kevin Pine as police cars lined his street.  “I feel safe.”
Pine’s neighborhood is anything but cookie cutter.  Kids play in the streets as watchful relatives sit on the porch.  When those unfamiliar with the neighborhood walk down the sidewalks, people who call this area home keep tabs on them.
Pine’s elderly neighbor slowly made his way up to the edge of the street, eager to be a part of all the activity. It’s a neighborhood charm that Pine said he loves.
“Diversity and variety is what we are all going to live with in America and I like all my neighbors.  I don’t have a problem with any of them,” Pine said with a smile.  “I don’t always embrace or support their activity or what they do or what they are about, but I just accept them for who they are.”
Less than three miles away from Pine’s neighborhood, Dave Fender was outside.  His lawnmower echoed throughout the quiet street.
“Since I’ve known it, it’s always been safe here,” Fender said with a grin. “I have two small children and it’s nice. You feel a comfort with letting them play out in the yard knowing that they are safe.”
According to police records, Fender’s feeling is right.  His street around Portland Street and Kimbrough Avenue is one of the safest in town.
“It feels awesome.  Doesn’t surprise me, the community here is just filled with people of like minds.  We are just a bunch of hippies,” Fender said with a laugh.
Springfield Police officers said there’s crime in every part of the city. To keep your neighborhood safe, officers said to get to know your neighbors, keep an eye out, and call 911 if something seems suspicious. “I think you can have everything you want wherever you decide to be,” said Pine.
“I think this street, I don’t have a problem with. I’ve had a great life since I’ve laid my head here in the bed.  I live here.”
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